
Patrick Movie Review

Leave the harsh world of reality behind for the next 94 minutes and enter the marshmallow soft world of the old school Disney film. A world where things work out perfectly, everyone gets exactly what they want and you even get a little life lesson to take home with you.

Beattie Edmondson, daughter of Young One Adrian Edmondson and the absolutely fabulous Jennifer Saunders plays the spinster Sarah Francis, who comes into possession of Patrick, a mischievous Pug dog. Through a quite predictable path, she and the unwanted pooch become attached to each other and this coincides with an upturn in her fortunes.



There are very few surprises in store via the screenplay and the non reality of the setting wares a bit thin, it’s set in England and it is sunny every single day! There is one reveal that few will see coming and Sarah is so scatterbrained that when she improves even a tiny bit, it’s satisfying to cheer her on.

With so much darkness in the heralded films this year, can you blame anyone from wanting to enjoy a little light and happiness projecting from the big screen every now and then? Besides who doesn’t like a film with a ugly but cute dog?

Rob Hudson