
Hot Brown Honey Theatre Review

What starts out with seven fierce women on a big stage and finishes up with half the audience filling that stage and dancing right along with the seven? Hot Brown Honey. What mixes gender politics and social commentary together in a way that informs and inspires all at the same time? Hot Brown Honey.

Mixing up elements of cabaret, burlesque, music, physical theatre and dance in a wild cavalcade of bright colours and big energy, Hot Brown Honey shrinks a big room down to the intimacy of a friend’s living room. A very groovy friend with hip-hop, James Brown and Living Colour spinning round and round and round.

Presenting their ideas in a confrontation way with the shake of the hip and a sly wink, the seven women make it very clear that they are not going to take anything but total immersion from members of the audience and they succeed at this magnificently. Even man bun dude who was surely surly to start the night ended up with happy feet.

As part of the WOW Festival, that’s the Women Of The World Festival, that is happening right now and runs until April 8 at The Brisbane Powerhouse, Hot Brown Honey gets the mix just right and will fill the night with sticky sweet goodness. Their limited run ends on Saturday the 7th of April. Don’t miss the chance to let those oh so powerful women expand your world.

Hot Brown Honey
04 – 07 APRIL, 2018
Powerhouse Theatre, Brisbane