Hot Brown Honey 2 results

Hot Brown Honey Theatre Review

Mixing up elements of cabaret, burlesque, music, physical theatre and dance in a wild cavalcade of bright colours and big energy, Hot Brown Honey shrinks a big room down to the intimacy of a friend’s living room. A very groovy friend with hip-hop, James Brown and Living Colour spinning round and round and round. // Presenting their ideas in a confrontation way with the shake of the hip and a sly wink, the seven women make it very clear that they are not going to take anything but ...

Smash hit Hot Brown Honey returns to Brisbane in April!

Steeped in the Word of The Mother and packing a punch of Hip Hop politics, Hot Brown Honey will make you laugh until you cry, clap until your hands bleed, dance in the aisles and shake every part of what your mama gave you.   //   With lighting, music and costume set to ignite the change we want to be, Hot Brown Honey is an extraordinary production that spins tradition on its head, going above and beyond to challenge boundaries and embrace resilience. Hot Brown Honey is ...