
Cars 3 Movie Review

The newest edition of the Cars franchise finds Pixar delivering a film that has some very poignant moments and becoming reductionist with a more basic structure. These two contradictory elements exist via an arc that returns to a more race oriented storyline that generates a revived sense of purpose and a number of touching nods to the late Paul Newman’s character Doc Hudson that are very well considered and quite moving.

The use of the late actor’s sound bites from previous films is seamlessly integrated into the new edition. It shows a love and respect for that titan of the big screen that feels real. The film’s message of dealing with the advancement of technology and feeling left behind by it is an interesting one given the context.



As always the animation looks fantastic and thankfully stays squarely in the animated world and resists the need to be photo realistic. It’s a world that no one inhabits quite like Pixar. The state of the art graphics are even more impressive, given that they are used to richen the experience and not just to raise the wow factor.

The opening short Lou with its message about bullying and its potential cause was also excellent.

Rob Hudson