A Wrinkle In Time Movie Review

Things just don’t quite jell with A Wrinkle In Time. The film looks great with some very imaginative visual effects and it also feature great diversity of cast in front and behind the camera, it’s just built on a premise that’s a bit too impenetrable. The themes it tries to impart are relevant and important in today’s landscape and for those that are touched by the story, more power to them.

It might be a generational thing as this reviewer is far removed from being a tween but great story telling has the ability to transcend age limitations. There are good things to take from the experience however as Reese Witherspoon is very appealing and funny as one of the major characters and it’s good to see Oprah back on the big screen. It’s also great to see Disney give a chance to a female director on one of its major films, in this case Ava DuVernay (Selma, Middle Of Nowhere).

Mention must also be made about the visual presentation, it has many moments of amazing and imaginative computer generated imagery that could only happen in a non reality landscape. The story defies a quick synopsis but it has to do with interdimensional time travel and science fiction driven possibilities mixed with a fantasy approach that blurs thew lines between them all.

This is a film that will polarise audience members but is worth a look, especially if the fantasy genre is one that appeals.

Rob Hudson