month : 09/2014 13 results

Japanese Film Festival 2014 Touring Australia

The JFF is the largest Japanese film festival outside of Japan and showcases the best in contemporary Japanese cinema including releases that are now showing in Japanese theatres. Tickets go on sale 4 weeks prior to JFF start date (Sydney and Melbourne will be available 6 weeks out) from www.japanesefilmfestival.net. OPENING FILM The JFF opens its 2014 program with Australian Premiere, Lady Maiko (pictured), a musical comedy directed by Masayuki Suo (Sumo Do, Sumo Don’t; Shall We ...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Review

Well, lots could go wrong and a lot does. The film is an exercise in groan-inducing predictability right up to the casting of Megan Fox as April O'Neil and its clear influences from Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins to Bay's own Transformer films. Formally the ‘director’ is Jonathan Liebesman (Wrath of the Titans, Battle Los Angeles), Bay is credited as ‘producer’ but his fingerprints are all over it. This includes his usual teenage adolescent farts and giggles humour, banal ...

Boyhood Movie Review

When the film starts, we catch up with six year-old Mason (Ellar Coltrane) and his family, sister Samantha (Linklater’s real-life daughter Lorelei Linklater) and mom and pop (Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke). What follows is a coming of age tale that touches on many elements of the modern day life, single parenthood, sibling rivalry and just trying to figure out this crazy thing called life. The concept is interesting but it’s the performances that make this film transcendent. ...

Bob, Sweat and Tears

Australia’s Prince of Polyester, Bob Downe, has been living a rainbow lie! See him come clean and perform brand new macho versions of classic hits including Spinning Wheel, Lola and Leader Of The Gang. Speaking from his luxury Murwillumbah penthouse Bob says: “The show is a roller coaster ride of shocks, new frocks, fabulous music, surprise guests and the usual laugh a minute. Get in first – before Today Tonight or A Current Affair bash down my door!” Bob, Sweat and Tears WED ...

The Wrong Object – After The Exhibition Album Review

Your senses will be assaulted and your musical boundaries will be challenged by an onslaught of almost overwhelming proportions. But it will be good and you will come out the other side a better man. The sonic spectrum will be filled by devices that make sounds, bold sounds. Musical notes from vibrating steel and fibrous material. Notes from zeroes and ones and tangible forces being applied to all manner of receptive surfaces. It will redefine the term elasticity and the physical ...

Sons Of Anarchy – Songs Of Anarchy: Vol. 3 Album Review

Many are the times that he drops into story development mode by using the montage approach with a driving or reflective song playing over the top. He also has a penchant for using established songs covered by new artists and this gives some very familiar songs a new lease on life. The current season in America (which is season’s ahead of what Australian free to air television is currently broadcasting) sees Sutter delivering some of his best dialogue ever and the songs in the current ...

Magic in the Moonlight Movie Review

As is the norm for these kinds of things a rocky romance reluctantly blossoms between the pair predictably precipitating the drama and comedy for the story. Of course Firth is old enough to be Stone's father but add a little Just For Men and, voila, problem solved. Written and directed by Woody Allen, the film is a frivolous but interesting discussion on open versus closed minds; hard rationality versus the fantastic; and the complex relationship between science, philosophy and religion. ...

Women in Voice: 21st Anniversary at JWCOCA

For the 21st anniversary season, Women in Voice (WiV) will feature series veteran Lil’ Fi, Babushka babe Bethan Ellsmore, Danse Noir diva Alinta J, cabaret queen Carita Farrer Spencer and musical theatre favourite Liz Buchanan as MC. Since its humble beginnings at the Sitting Duck Café in 1993 through to last year’s sold out debut at ‘the Judy’, WiV has always been synonymous with a great night out and founder Annie Peterson is promising all that and more for this year’s ...

The Falls Music & Arts Festival 2014

For those ready to cut shapes it’s time to start planning your summer getaway today. Right now. Falls will be laying out more party for you to play out with Byron now extending to a four-day show!  Slow clap it out. Start bundling your ca$h and enter the ticket ballot via fallsfestival.com before it closes on Monday August 25! Packing their aqua socks and swimmin' britches to meet you on the sunny coastal shores of all three venues will be… THE FALLS MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL ...

Wreck-It Ralph Movie Review

One of the core problems with TRON: Legacy was that it completely disregarded the subsequent advances in video gaming since the first film. In an age where the first person shooter is considered de rigueur, TRON: Legacy was still playing with light cycles (Blockade/Surround) and illuminated Frisbees (Pong). Wreck-It Ralph corrects this oversight by internally chronicling the history of video games from the likes of Q*Bert and Tapper to 2D fighters' Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat to the ...