This gripping reimagining of Grimm’s Snow White is as juicy as a poisoned apple and as bloody and brutal as deer-kill.
At once enticing and confronting, this retelling will upend fairy-tale expectations, disturbingly blurring the boundaries of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and lies, trust and betrayal, killer and prey.
Four musicians and four extraordinary singer/actors from styles spanning opera to rock join forces to create a musical and theatrical world that is sensual, immersive and evocative.
Audiences will be up close and in-the-round with the sweat and muscle; blood and poison; sweet apples, shards of glass and moonlight. In the intimacy of the Roundhouse under the direction of Opera Queensland’s Lindy Hume, with enchanting music by Zulya Kamalova set to Suzie Miller’s poetic text, this contemporary collaboration is entertaining and erotic, with a heart as dark as ebony.
Don’t bring the children.
Snow White
3 – 24 September 2016
Roundhouse Theatre, La Boite