
Bloom Girl is coming to La Boite this July!

When Bloom Girl meets @TheBoy – a wickedly endearing artist who makes her question the line between bullshit + bravery – she turns her life upside down to compete with every influencer out to win her new connection’s affection, and in the process, finds out what it really takes to be seen right now.

Tied up in knots of likes and filters, @bloomgirl’s carefully curated online persona is about to spectacularly collide with the real world, culminating in a digital melt-down that breaks her tiny pocket of the internet permanently, but may just be real enough to matter to the right people.



Alice in a dark digital wonderland, @bloomgirl tells a riotous and sacrilegious tale about love and acceptance in a world of influencers who care more about your follower count than what you have to say.

Written and performed by Charli Burrowes and directed by Pacharo Mzembe, BLOOM GIRL is a unique stage-show about art, love and what it really means to be seen.

Bloom Girl
La Boite Theatre, Brisbane
5-6 July 2024