Wild Rose 2 results

Wild Rose Movie Review

Jessie Buckley (Chernobyl and Beast) is transcendent as the singer with a short fuse and a tendency to implode. Buckley is also a very talented singer and her beautiful voice adds a large degree of poignancy to the scenes in which she sings. The is especially true in the moments she delivers those songs a cappella.   //   Rose-Lynn’s impulsive nature has led to many a bad situation. It contributed to her incarceration and absenteeism from the duties of being a parent. ...

Watch the new trailer for Wild Rose – coming to cinemas soon!

Jessie Buckley delivers a finely tuned performance of triumph and tragedy in WILD ROSE, a beautifully crafted, heartfelt film in the style of British classics like Little Voice and Billy Elliott. Wild Rose will be in Austraian cinemas soon! www.facebook.com/UniversalPicturesAU