The Croods: A New Age 2 results

The Croods: A New Age Movie Review

The production looks amazing as the colour palette almost sears the eyes. It’s filled with such oversaturated hues, you almost need sunglasses. The story at its most basic level is about outsiders fitting in but this uncomplicated idea is infused with so many elements and gags, visual and otherwise that it’s far from simplistic. If anything it might throw a few too many ideas in the mix.   //   Recasting the modern family dynamic into caveman times gives the actor a ...

Watch The Croods: A New Age – The Croodimals Documentary

WARNING: Please keep a safe distance from the Chicken Seal. The Croods have survived their fair share of dangers and disasters, from fanged prehistoric beasts to watching their daughter get heart eyes over a new boyfriend. But now they face something that will shake their pack to its core and make them reconsider everything they hold true: another family. The Croods need a new place to live. So, the first prehistoric family sets off into the world in search of a safer place to call ...