Ghost Stories Movie Review
Professor Goodman (Andy Nyman) is the host of a reality television show, Psychic Cheats, that debunks tales of paranormal events. He is summoned to meet Charles Cameron (Leonard Byrne), a psychologist and fellow debunker that has gone missing. At this meeting he is given three cases to study and so it all begins.
These three events are somewhat conventional stories about things that go bump in the night. In their telling, there is an undercurrent of both creepin...
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Posing as servicemen, they enter the deposit, neutralise the alarms, and proceed to drill a hole into the wall of the safe. Two days later, they manage to escape with allegedly over £200 million worth of stolen jewels and money.
When police are called to the scene and the investigation starts, the cracks between the misfit gang members begin to show as they row over how to share the goods and become increasingly distrustful of each other.
Meanwhile, the crime ...