Installation 2 results

The Bunnies are coming to Brisbane!

The very large white rabbits, illuminated in stark white light, have been taking over the planet. The bunnies of Intrude stand enormous, yet relaxed and appear to be quite at home in their new patch. – Artist, Amanda Parer   //   Standing tall yet relaxed at seven-metres high, the bunnies of Intrude will see their first visit to Brisbane as this world-renowned artwork installation lands at Eagle Street Pier. Brisbane’s premier Riverside dining precinct is pleased to ...

A Force is currently installed at Flowstate as part of the Brisbane Festival

A site-specific installation responsive to a range of environmental forces including audience participation and contribution. A Force will grow throughout the duration of the exhibition through public participation and develop in response to the unique environment it lives within.   //   A Force considers our relationship with technology, and how our daily dependence on digital devices may be affecting us. Wires and cables are lifelines in many ways, but as we manipulate ...