David O. Russell 2 results

Amsterdam Movie Review

This actual event, the Wall Street Putsch of 1933 as it was known was an attempt by a group of rich industrialists to overthrow the then government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator of their choosing. That event informs the events of Amsterdam but in a roundabout way.   //   The main cast of characters are made up of a trio brought together by World War I. Doctor Burt Berendsen (Christian Bale) the evening’s narrator and the soul of the procee...

American Hustle Movie Review

The always-outstanding British actor Christian Bale lays to rest the man in black for the new man in fat. His visual transformation is just one element of his transcendent performance. He has to act his butt off just to transcend that hairdo of his. Jennifer Lawrence adds to her building resume of great performances as Bale’s on screen wife who is both hilarious and clueless. Bradley Cooper’s manic drug fuelled performance is also outstanding. Now no discussion of great roles in this ...