Bell Shakespeare 4 results

Richard 3 at Sydney Opera House

His hunchbacked deformity masks his seething malevolence. His brutal mind breeds brutal times when not even children are safe.   //   Award-winning actor Kate Mulvany (The Literati and Tartuffe) will embody one of the most ambitious and gleefully amoral villains ever written. First performed around 1593, Richard 3 is the portrait of a Machiavellian psychopath, a cold-blooded and dastardly manipulator who slaughters his family, marries his victim’s widow and eventually ...

Bell Shakespeare Othello Australian Tour

A warrior on the fields of war, felled by the sharpness of whispered words, Othello is a man swept up in desire, quickly turned to murderous rage when he is betrayed by his military brother-in-arms, the cynically destructive Iago.   //   One of William Shakespeare’s most famous and passionate tragedies, Othello will be directed by Artistic Director Peter Evans, in a gripping production that will touch audiences to their core, as envy is a weapon wielded with brazen ...

Hamlet – Bell Shakespeare

A family torn apart by murder, a son burdened with the truth and the task of avenging his father, and a country on the brink of war. Anguish, passion and desperation collide in this tragic telling of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark who is tormented by the impossibility of his dilemma, and who remains one of theatre’s most fascinating characters. Damien Ryan, returning to Bell Shakespeare following the critically acclaimed Henry V in 2014, will deliver a new production of Hamlet, ...

As You Like It – Bell Shakespeare

As You Like It is an adventure of the heart, a journey through a forest of poetry (and lions), and a tale of a love so grand all the rules are broken to win the heart of a boy. Passionate and disarming, As You Like It – one of Shakespeare’s most beloved romantic comedies – will be directed by Bell Shakespeare’s Artistic Director, Peter Evans. Featuring an inspiring cast, including John Bell as the melancholic Jaques, in his final role with Bell Shakespeare as an Artistic Direct...