
Wolf Manor Movie Review

Filming an old-school vampire movie on a blood moon night in an isolated mansion, what could go wrong? So starts Wolf Manor. As members of the dysfunctional film crew start to pile up dead everyone is so caught up in finishing the schlock at hand that little heed is paid to the werewolf prowling the grounds.

All the heartless producer can think of is finishing the film before the authorities come and shut down the production. What’s a severed limb or headless corpse in the overall scheme of things anyway? Caution of sorts finally creeps in when a film writer sent to the shoot on a publicity junket shows up mauled to death.

The core members of the crew or at least the ones still left alive hunker down and try to put up some form of resistance. Unfortunately, they are as inept in defence as they are in the art of filmmaking and all they can muster up is a weak fortification based on what few old wives’ tales their addled memory can muster.



As the gore increases so do the humourous moments as the crew show just how out of touch with reality they are. The laughs are generated via the viewers’ grasp of old horror film cliches and b-movie tropes about living on past glories when they are well past their use-by dates. The final reveal also has a lot of fun with werewolf fact.

Wolf Manor is out now on VOD (Google TV, Apple TV) now! Released by Lightbulb Films.
Rob Hudson