Originally penned by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887, the character of Sherlock Holmes has stood the test of time. Appearing in over 200 films, he has become the most portrayed character in film history. Now the famous detective comes to the Brisbane stage in The Mystery Of The Valkyrie.
All the gang is here, Holmes (Eugene Gilfedder), Watson (Anthony Gooley), Mycroft (Darcy Brown), Professor Moriarty (Bryan Probets), even the housekeeper Mrs Hudson (Helen Cassidy) makes an appearance. The plot revolves around Moriarty and his nefarious plans to create and use a biological weapon to control the social direction in regards to overthrowing the residing political party.
The set and staging are stellar and add a lot to the visual impact of the play. It utilises rolling set pieces with large flat surfaces to reflect imaginative projected images and animated bits. These are used to show Holmes’ thought process and establish times and places. There is one scene in particular, a chase around the streets of London that is dizzying in its effectiveness.
The themes and sense of peril mirror our current times in many ways and give the proceedings a sense of relevance and impact. Over a hundred years later these characters still resonate. With its attention-grabbing production and quality cast, The Mystery Of The Valkyrie is an entertaining night at the theatre and one not to be missed. Its limited run lasts until March 19.