
Single Asian Female Theatre Review

When used well, live theatre is a very powerful medium, it can present a visceral attack on outdated attitudes or it can drive to distraction. Single Asian Female delivers its message with humour and relatability. It is also an important work of inclusion.

The laughter it generates makes one look inside to the prejudices that must be overcome in all their absurdity and backwardness. It plays with the acceptance of stereotypes with a wit about itself that puts humour first to make the message more effective. Nobody really learns from shouting.

Rapid fire dialogue peppered with current jargon and the occasional f-bomb gives momentum while a clever set design reinforces visual purpose. The story revolves around family and fortune, some good, some less so. It also plays into a larger context of current affairs.



One must applaud La Boîte for their continuing support of new and young playwrights, talents with a classic sense of what the theatre has been and with an eye to what it can be.

Playwright: Michelle Law
Director: Claire Christian
Set design: Moe Assaad
Cast: Emily Burton, Patrick Jhanur, Michelle Law, Tatum Mottin, Courtney Stewart, Hsiao-Ling Tang

Single Asian Female is playing at the La Boite Theatre until March 9 – for more information or to book tickets head to www.laboite.com.au