
Q&A Screening of Kangaroo at Dendy Coorparoo

Join Dendy Coorparoo on Friday, March 23 for the 6:30 pm red carpet arrival and 7:00 pm screening of Kangaroo, and a Q&A with directors Kate McIntyre Clere and Michael McIntyre.

A love-Hate Story – this groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia’s love-hate relationship with its beloved icon. The kangaroo image is proudly used by top companies, sports teams and as tourist souvenirs, yet when they hop across the vast continent some consider them to be pests to be shot and sold for profit. KANGAROO unpacks a national paradigm where the relationship with kangaroos is examined.

“Kangaroo is a sobering depiction of how deep cultural divides affect the future of a species, even one so seemingly ubiquitous and resilient.” – Village Voice

“Has the potential to help bring kangaroo welfare and management into much sharper focus in Australia and internationally.” – Variety

“The filmmakers are determined to sound a wake-up siren, and they blast it here with extra strength.” – New York Times

Q&A Screening of Kangaroo
Dendy Coorparoo
Friday, March 23 2018
www.dendy.com.au or www.kangaroothemovie.com