
Entourage Movie Review

Entourage the movie picks up the story just days after the TV series ended when everything was warm and fuzzy with Vinnie and the boys. The surprisingly traditional end to that series had almost every storyline tied up with a neat little bow. The movie quite quickly unravels those bows.

Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) has taken the job running the studio that was offered him in the crazy credits in the last TV episode and has agreed to let Vincent (Adrian Grenier) direct and star in his first big project as studio head. The film is called Hyde and is loosely based on the Jekyll and Hyde story. Vinnie is way over budget and so Ari has to go cap in hand and ask the film’s financier Larsen McCredle (Billy Bob Thornton) and his oh so creepy son Travis (Haley Joel Osment) for more money and so starts the new tale.

The film is modest in its approach and this suits the theme well. It plays out like an extended TV episode and its main appeal is getting to hang with Turtle (Jerry Ferrara), E (Kevin Connolly) and Drama (Kevin Dillon) again. Only four years have passed since the series ended so all the players look the same age and the script paints their characters with predictable colours.

There are no great revelations on display here but there is much to like on screen. Keeping your eye out for the plethora of cameo appearances is good fun as is recognizing all the traditional Hollywood haunts. As for the boys, little change has taken place to their actions and behaviours but its cool to have a chance to spend time with the gang again.

Rob Hudson