Dendy Powerhouse Outdoor Cinema – Runt Movie Review with Nina the Cavoodle

Oh, want a night! Checking out the world premiere of the movie Runt was so much fun. I made so many new friends, ate lots of free treats, got to shake my tiny tush while walking down the red carpet (at least I think it was red) and even got some cuddles from the gentleman who wrote the book and the screenplay for the movie. What a nice human!

Those kind folks at Dendy and Think Tank pulled out all the stops and there were so many of my fellow doggies that turned out on the night, it was pawsome. I might have even fallen in love again but then a true lady doesn’t speak openly of such things in public. Everybody was so nice and all my new four-legged friends smelled great.



Even with all the activities, treats and cuddles, the best part of the night were the moving images up on that big screen. They featured a doggo named Runt, a scruffy fellow who saves the day for the Shearer family and helps thwart the evil doings of the land owner Earl Robert-Barren that ends up bringing life back to their struggling town. Runt was heroic and oh so dreamy and really what lady doesn’t love a bit of the rough?

Once again being outdoors under the stars and watching a film with all my new friends was such a good time. I have to also thank my mum and dad for taking me but especially my mum for packing away so many extra tasty treats. Mum might have even given a few of the treats to my new paramour but that’s all I will say on that subject. Thanks again to all the lovely folk from the Dendy and Think Tank, you know how to put on a party and I can’t wait to do it again!
Nina the Cavoodle