
Murder Mysteries at Dendy Coorparoo and Dendy Portside!

Dendy Coorparoo and Dendy Portside will be hosting a MURDER MYSTERIES Film Festival over two weeks beginning on March 18th running until March 31st.

The film festival, titled Murder Mysteries, brings you the very best classic whodunit films spanning from the 40’s all the way through until the late 70s. Don’t miss Humphrey Bogart in Maltese Falcon, classics like The Third Man and Kind Hearts & Coronets.



Of course Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest will be screened and you couldn’t have a murder mystery film festival without including the famous detective writer, Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile.

Murder and Mysteries Film Festival
18-31 March 2021
Dendy Coorparoo and Dendy Portside