
Scorsese Exhibition at ACMI

From Taxi Driver and Goodfellas to The Age of Innocence and The Wolf of Wall Street, Martin Scorsese’s intense and exhilarating films define him as one of the world’s greatest directors.

Whether it’s wolves, bulls, butchers or taxi drivers, Scorsese’s complicated anti-heroes navigate mean streets of their own morality, torn between rebellion and acceptance, sin and redemption. While his characters spiral out of control, Scorsese captures every frame with masterly control.



SCORSESE, drawn from his personal collection, explores his inspirations, creative process and key collaborations, offering comprehensive insight into Scorsese’s career as an unparalleled screen stylist and a tireless champion of cinema.

Growing up in New York’s Little Italy and suffering from acute asthma, Scorsese’s childhood was spent looking down at the world from his window and up at the screen in his local cinema. While determined to make movies that honoured the Hollywood and European traditions he loved, his films inevitably reflect his own experience.

Featuring over 600 objects and a rich selection of footage from across the director’s work in film, documentary and television, SCORSESE invites fans, cinephiles and culture buffs to explore the world of one of the most influential directors of our time.

An exhibition conceived and organised by the Die Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin.

Scorsese Exhibition
26 May – 18 September 2016
ACMI – Melbourne