
Robyn Stacey: Cloud Land at MoB

Robyn Stacey is one of Australia’s preeminent contemporary photographers. Her new body of work for Museum of Brisbane reveals some of our city’s most familiar places, buildings and landmarks in a completely new way.

Stacey uses one of the oldest photographic techniques invented more than 1,000 years ago, the camera obscura. She gives this technology a bold and surprising reinvention as her work turns entire rooms into the surface of a photograph, casting the view from the outside in.

Her dreamlike works capture a moment in time, exploring both the history of the location and the personal stories of the subjects featured within these unique landscapes— offering an intimate and provocative look at our city.

Discover the changing nature of Brisbane’s landscape through Robyn Stacey: Cloud Land.

Robyn Stacey: Cloud Land
18 Sep 2015 – 3 Apr 2016
Museum of Brisbane,