
Explore the Outdoor Gallery Exhibition around Brisbane!

Brisbane City Council’s Outdoor Gallery transforms Brisbane’s laneways and city streets into imaginative, curious, and engaging spaces. Comprising of light boxes, banners, vitrines, and evening projections, the Outdoor Gallery displays art outside in city streets, instead of inside on gallery walls. Recently, the Outdoor Gallery has grown to include art projections at Howard Smith Wharves and light boxes in Ann Street, Brisbane City.

The latest Outdoor Gallery exhibition, <play/ground>, curated by @MCRT. Studio, will open on Friday 9 September 2022 and run until 16 April 2023.

Share your experience of the Outdoor Gallery exhibitions and public programs using #BNEPublicArt.



From Friday 9 September 2022, explore the <play/ground> exhibition through the Outdoor Gallery. Our modern lives are busy with work and responsibilities and living a balanced and playful life, while remaining grounded, is essential to finding and maintaining joy in our day-to-day physical and digital lives. <play/ground> celebrates the existing playful charm of Brisbane as a concrete playground, while reminding us of the importance of daily routines connecting us to the planet that houses and nourishes us.

View the map to help navigate your way around our Outdoor Gallery.

Outdoor Gallery <play/ground> Exhibition
9 September 2022 – 16 April 2023
Various locations around Brisbane