The Legendary Entertainment film is directed by Mimi Cave and stars Daisy Edgar-Jones (“Normal People”) and Sebastian Stan (“Captain America” franchise, “I, Tonya”). Penned by Lauryn Kahn, the evocative thriller was produced by Adam McKay and Kevin Messick under their Hyperobject Industries banner, with Maeve Cullinane as co-producer.
“FRESH” follows Noa (Daisy Edgar-Jones), who meets the alluring Steve (Sebastian Stan) at a grocery store and – given her frustration with dating apps – takes a chance and gives him her number. After their first date, Noa is smitten and accepts Steve’s invitation to a romantic weekend getaway. Only to find that her new paramour has been hiding some unusual appetites.
The film will be launching exclusively in Australia on Disney+ under the Star banner on March 4, 2022.