day : 30/11/2018 2 results

Check out Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly present hilarious moustache facts for Movember!

Starring Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Rebecca Hall, Rob Brydon, Kelly Macdonald and Ralph Fiennes, Holmes & Watson is in Australian cinemas Boxing Day!

Anna And The Apocalypse Movie Review

First it must be said that high school is difficult enough without having to deal with a rampant plague of zombies. And while not much happens in the quiet town of Little Haven and Anna (Ella Hunt) and her fiends are used to the quiet life, things are about to change for the worse when they start to notice the colour drain from their classmate’s faces.   //   As things usually unfold in these adventures, the school is soon overrun and then the rest of the film becomes ...