Jeremy Renner 7 results

Retro Movie Review – Arrival

Amy Adams is Dr. Louise Banks, a linguist expert that the government recruits to help communicate with one of the alien entities that have arrived at twelve points around the globe. She is the soul of the story. Joining her is Jeremy Renner as Ian Donnelly, a theoretical physicist with a very well developed sense of wonder about the world.   //   The story is told in a non-linear manner and subsequently every scene must be paid attention too. The film is also shot with a ...

Retro Movie Review – American Hustle

The always-outstanding British actor Christian Bale lays to rest the man in black for the new man in fat. His visual transformation is just one element of his transcendent performance. He has to act his butt off just to transcend that hairdo of his. Jennifer Lawrence adds to her building resume of great performances as Bale’s on screen wife who is both hilarious and clueless. Bradley Cooper’s manic drug fuelled performance is also outstanding. Now no discussion of great roles in this ...

Arctic Justice Movie review

Jeremy Renner does the voice of Swifty, an Arctic Fox trying to be a big dog. Those dogs in question pull sleds with the Arctic town’s mail service and are heroes to the small animal population. Swifty’s small stature makes him the underdog, underfox? of the piece.   //   The dialogue is rather simplistic and the situations are not overly complicated. It’s presented as a quant and easily digestible story and there is an absent of the adult innuendo that marks most ...

Tag Movie Review

With a strong cast of both comedians and actors, the film ramps up the crazy to such dizzy heights, it’s an absolute riot to watch. Under the umbrella of a kid’s game gone wild is an examination on what it means to be an adult holding on to both childhood friends and also that sense of youth that is so sad to see dissipate.   //   A lot of the comic set ups are far from unique but they are delivered with such a sense of fun and energy, it’s near impossible to not ...

Watch The House Main Trailer Debut

THE HOUSE is directed by Andrew Jay Cohen and stars Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, Jason Mantzoukas, Nick Kroll, Allison Tolman, Michaela Watkins, Ryan Simpkins, Jessie Ennis, Rob Huebel, Cedric Yarbrough and Jeremy Renner.   //   THE HOUSE releases in Australian cinemas on June 29, 2017.

Arrival Movie Review

Amy Adams is Dr. Louise Banks, a linguist expert that the government recruits to help communicate with one of the alien entities that have arrived at twelve points around the globe. She is the soul of the story. Joining her is Jeremy Renner as Ian Donnelly, a theoretical physicist with a very well developed sense of wonder about the world. The story is told in a non-linear manner and subsequently every scene must be paid attention too. The film is also shot with a very subdued colour ...

American Hustle Movie Review

The always-outstanding British actor Christian Bale lays to rest the man in black for the new man in fat. His visual transformation is just one element of his transcendent performance. He has to act his butt off just to transcend that hairdo of his. Jennifer Lawrence adds to her building resume of great performances as Bale’s on screen wife who is both hilarious and clueless. Bradley Cooper’s manic drug fuelled performance is also outstanding. Now no discussion of great roles in this ...