The Avengers 4 results

Iron Man 3 Movie Review

The first film worked so well at creating Iron Man’s back-story and showed how well certain rock music can lift a film’s energy just by their mere presence. The second film squandered most of that good will with a poor choice of casting and weak story. Welcome round three and in the now almost obligatory for films of this type, 3D format. Try as the film does for some real surprise story moments and to flush out the main characters lives, it really lets the side down but as an ...

Iron Man 2 Movie Review

Iron Man 2 is certainly bigger, with an obviously enlarged budget, the film is packed with more expensive looking special effects and even more gratuitous over the top action. The film’s final duke-out is magnified as well with the addition of a very large number of baddies and an overabundance of explosive effects. The story also gets ramped up as we meet Tony Stark’s father (in flashback home movies) and get some welcome insight into his childhood. Some of the relationships from ...

Thor: The Dark World Movie Review

Thor: The Dark World is not as interesting as its predecessor and that film was by no means the best of The Avengers tie-in prequels. From frost giants in the first film to dark elves here, the villains are getting smaller and so is the scope of the films. This is a stock action CGI fantasy where nothing new is learnt about any of the characters; it's merely goodies versus baddies, albeit presented in a slick and entertaining package. The 3D presentation makes little use of depth and is ...

The Avengers Movie Review

Compared to that other great superhero ensemble flick (no, not Fantastic Four!), Bryan Singer's X-Men, The Avengers is the kitschy one of the two but it is no less a film. Whedon shows that he knows how to do kitsch without descending into a tired, boring, groan-inducing cliché (like Fantastic Four). Of course Whedonphiles have known this for many years and now the rest of the world will know it. The primary difficulty in an ensemble film such as this is making sure that each character ...