Drama 1061 results

The Program Movie Review

The film places a bit too much emphasis on the viewer having a working knowledge of the actual story as it introduces important characters with little or no explanation. For the uninitiated, this leads to a bit of confusion. For those familiar with the story, it’s effective film making that doesn’t slow down the pace with unneeded explanations or back-stories. Ben Foster does a good job as Armstrong even though he doesn’t look that much like him (the archive race footage comprised ...

Suffragette Competition

Directed by Sarah Gavron, alongside a team of inspiring women filmmakers, Suffragette is a thrilling drama that tracks the story of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement; women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State. Radicalised and turning to violence as the only route to change, they were willing to lose everything in their fight for equality - their jobs, their homes, their children and their lives. Maud ...

The Dressmaker Movie Review

The story revolves around country life in a very small town and the often times negative effects of power and privilege filtered through gossip and innuendo. Kate Winslet is fantastic as Myrtle 'Tilly' Dunnage who returns to the town to address some long held secrets. Liam Hemsworth (brother of Thor) is also very effective as the love interest. The film is unafraid to throw the audience and the characters themselves under the bus and as such there are some very genuine moments of ...

The Walk Movie Review

Enter Robert Zemeckis; director of numerous landmark films such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Back To The Future, Forest Gump and Contact but has failed to match the quality and innovation of those films for nigh on twenty years. His last film, Flight, was a reasonable attempt at recapturing prior successes but it was no Contact. The time is right - nay overdue - for a return to form. The Walk isn't quite that film. But it is a very good film. It is imbued with the same emotional fibre of ...

Bridge Of Spies Movie Review

Based in the murky waters of the shadowy world of espionage back in the late fifties, the film does an admirable job of keeping the audience in the know. There was such a litany of enemies (both real and perceived) of the American way of life presented back then that the story could have easily diffused into myopic rubbish. It steers mostly clear of easy slogans. Hanks plays super hostage negotiator James B. Donovan as he tries to trade a Russia spy to secure the release of Gary Powers, ...

Freeheld Competition

Julianne Moore and Ellen Page as a couple who, in their darkest hour, take on the biggest fight of their lives. When police detective Laurel Hester (Moore) meets Stacie Andree (Page), they instantly form a connection. The couple fall deeply and unexpectedly in love, and before long, are building a life together. But when tragedy strikes and Laurel is diagnosed with cancer, she faces discrimination as government officials refuse to allow her to leave her pension, earned over 23 years of ...

Crimson Peak Movie Review

It must be said that the film looks fantastic and features visuals never before seen but the plot and action staging is so predictable, it drains all the energy out of the experience. In some genres this would not drive the knife into the heart but with the horror/thriller genre nothing is worse than predictability. Also not helping is the film score by Fernando Velázquez that telegraphs emotions with such an obvious touch. It’s a shame really as the cast, which includes Mia Wasikow...

Black Mass Movie Review

Johnny Depp breaks step with all that pirate nonsense and delivers his best performance in years as Irish-American organised crime boss, James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. In 1975 as an informant, Bulger enjoyed the protection of the FBI whilst supplying information the Feds used to take down his Italian rivals and allowed him to replace them as a kingpin in Boston. It was a charmed deal for Bulger until the mid nineties when the media blew the lid off this corrupt arrangement. A barely recogn...

The Martian Movie Review

It is equal parts thriller and scientific exploration and focuses on the human resolve to rise to the occasion and survive despite all the odds. Matt Damon is fantastic as the hyper intelligent astronaut that due to circumstance gets left behind on an aborted manned mission on Mars. His approach to survival is based around his scientific knowledge and raw will to live but it is tempered by irreverence towards his circumstance and to the authority figures that he has to interface with. ...

Learning to Drive Competition

Wendy (Patricia Clarkson) is a fiery Manhattan author whose husband has just left her for another woman; Darwan (Ben Kingsley) is a soft-spoken taxi driver from India on the verge of an arranged marriage. As Wendy sets out to reclaim her independence, she runs into a barrier common to many lifelong New Yorkers: she’s never learned to drive. When Wendy hires Darwan to teach her, her unravelling life and his calm restraint seem like an awkward fit. But as he shows her how to take control of ...