Black Panther 3 results

Avengers: Infinity War Movie Review

The film does present a conundrum when it comes to writing a review though as talking too much about the storyline makes it all too easy to divulge key elements that would ruin the experience for some if not all fans. Suffice to say that the canvas this time out is huge and it taps into almost every Marvel film with the exception of two and it’s not too difficult to guess which two. The action is dizzying in it intensity and it’s not giving away too much is saying these battles take ...

Black Panther Movie Review

Chadwick Boseman (Get On Top and 42) puts in a stellar performance with a regal delivery and stately manner befitting of the role’s royal origins. He gets strong support from Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years The Slave and Star Wars) as his love interest who is also committed to social justice and Danai Gurira (The Visit and All Eyes On Me) who is riveting as a real badass who puts her country above all.   //   All the main characters have values systems that are very strong ...

Captain America: Civil War Movie Review

The film is filled with new characters to the big screen like Black Panther (Chadwick Bosema) as well as drawing in players from other films new to the MU like Ant-Man. Paul Rudd’s diminutive character is a great addition and provides some much needed humor to what is one of the more serious Marvel outings. Marvel’s acquiring of Spiderman from his Sony overlords is also a worthy and comic addition. The plot has more than a few strangely placed potholes. These could have been easily ...