Amy Adams 14 results

Arrival Movie Review

Amy Adams is Dr. Louise Banks, a linguist expert that the government recruits to help communicate with one of the alien entities that have arrived at twelve points around the globe. She is the soul of the story. Joining her is Jeremy Renner as Ian Donnelly, a theoretical physicist with a very well developed sense of wonder about the world. The story is told in a non-linear manner and subsequently every scene must be paid attention too. The film is also shot with a very subdued colour ...

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

With Batman versus Superman, however, it's not quite so easy to see the conflict as they are both clearly on the ‘hero’ side of the equation. But director, Zack Snyder, does a reasonable job of pulling this together by tapping into a problem that many viewers had with his prior film, Man of Steel. Batman, like many of us, heavily resents the heavy public toll resulting from Superman's urban clash with General Zod. This is understandable but when Batman determines to kill Superman in ...

Big Eyes Movie Review

The paintings, and prints of the paintings, sold like hotcakes and Keane amassed a fortune as a result. There was a problem, though - the pictures were actually created by his wife Margaret. A patron of Margaret, Tim Burton, directs his best film in years, covering the story of Margaret Keane's struggle to reclaim her artistic soul. The first thing that strikes you about Tim Burton's new film is the colour. At first glance, each shot looks like a painted backdrop, crafted in flawless ...

American Hustle Movie Review

The always-outstanding British actor Christian Bale lays to rest the man in black for the new man in fat. His visual transformation is just one element of his transcendent performance. He has to act his butt off just to transcend that hairdo of his. Jennifer Lawrence adds to her building resume of great performances as Bale’s on screen wife who is both hilarious and clueless. Bradley Cooper’s manic drug fuelled performance is also outstanding. Now no discussion of great roles in this ...