Aaron Paul 3 results

Adam Movie Review

Then an accident happens that results in Adam becoming a quadriplegic. This forces Adam to confront many hard truths. His gift of gab and the results they used to enable runs headlong into the reality of not being able to talk one’s way out of medical certainties. His progress at returning to a sense of normalcy is slow at first as his anger clouds almost all his actions. Returning to live with his parents and brother only accentuates the distance.   //   Redemption ...

Central Intelligence Movie Review

They get to ply their trade delivering a script that doesn’t have a mean bone in its body. It’s quite refreshing to experience a comedy that doesn’t resort to the usual snide and put down ethos that seem to dominate the current crop of movie comedies. The set up is certainly silly. Overweight high school geek returns as super buff superman CIA agent (who loves the film Sixteen Candles) and reunites with the only fellow student that treated him with any decency. Together they ...

Eye in the Sky Competition

From a script by BAFTA winner Guy Hibbert and the director of Ender’s Game, Eye in the Sky follows Colonel Michelle Madden, a military intelligence officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture a group of dangerous terrorists from their safe-house in Nairobi, Kenya. The mission escalates from a "capture" to a "kill” operation when Madden realises the terrorists are about to embark on a deadly suicide mission. However, a nine-year-old girl enters the kill zone just as the ...