
The Favourite Movie Review

Completely successful at stripping away the stodgy veneer that plagues most period pieces featuring the British Monarchy, The Favourite strives to be anything but predictable and placid. Queen Anne (1665–1714) has never gotten the Hollywood love like other Queens and with a story this rich, it’s difficult to see why.

The filmmakers use quite a number of tricks to keep the viewer from falling into comfortable habits. The camera use features fisheye lenses to give a unique and somewhat distorted sense of proportion and the soundtrack is often times ominous and disjointed. The dialogue is razor sharp and filled with acid toned wit. It’s delivered with a delicious sense of controlled malevolence



The film also provides a chance to see three great female actors work at the height of their abilities. Olivia Colman as the Queen, Rachel Weisz and her life long friend and Emma Stone as the newest addition to the court are fantastic and the script gives them the support they need to really create something very special.

The accumulation of all this effort has quite a literal effect on you but it also sinks deep into your psyche. After the viewing, it demands further time and effort getting to know these eccentric and fascinating characters and finding out for yourself how much was fact and how much was fiction.

Rob Hudson