Moonfall Movie Review

When a disgraced astronaut uses a hot-wired space shuttle to mount an attempt to save the world, you know you are in for a wacky ride. Delivering this generation’s Plan 9 from Outer Space, writer/director/producer Roland Emmerich spends a lot of other people’s money in pursuit of cinematic immortality.

Advancing from pie plate UFOs, this time the moon is the menace heading to earth to cause devastation and destruction. So it’s time for outcast Astro boy Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson) and hot NASA heroine Jo Fowler (Halle Berry) to suit up and save the day. They drag along conspiracy theorist KC Houseman (John Bradley) to complete their ragtag team.



Hitching a gravity-led sleigh ride to the moon after the repurposed space shuttle blows a gasket, they encounter what’s really going on with the moon, and here’s a clue, it’s not made out of cheese, or is it? As fodder for a drinking game, there are just too many categories to choose and headaches will ensue.

Emmerich stretches almost every law known to man well past the breaking point. so needless to say the law of physics and laws of science didn’t stand a chance. Nor did the law of common sense. This is filmmaking pushed so far past the ridiculous zone, it needs a new category created around it.

Rob Hudson