Sylvia Hoeks 4 results

All The Devil’s Men DVD Review

All The Devil’s Men involves globe trotting mercenaries and more than its fair share of clandestine meetings and bullet ridden shoot outs. An adventure filled with double and triple crosses, all done to make the planet safe from those pesky stray nuclear warheads.   //   This script adds danger on top of danger until you get to the point on not really knowing what the hell is going on. That does little to detract from the gun totting, cliche spitting, macho action ...

The Girl in the Spider’s Web Movie Review

Gone is the intricate detective yarn, where detailed research and some kick ass computer hacking leads to finding the villain. In its place is a big dumb American style action piece. The kind where the most implausible and physics defying scenarios are played out to keep our hero out of major harm’s way. Damaged and slightly singed but not broken.   //   The Girl in the Spider's Web is based on the fourth novel of the Millennium Series and was written by David Lagerc...

Discover what made her the Girl – watch the new trailer for The Girl in the Spider’s Web

Golden Globe winner Claire Foy, the star of “The Crown,” will play the outcast vigilante defender under the direction of Fede Alvarez, the director of 2016’s breakout thriller Don’t Breathe; the screenplay adaptation is by Steven Knight and Fede Alvarez & Jay Basu.   //   The Girl in the Spiders Web stars Claire Foy, Lakeith Stanfield, Sylvia Hoeks, Sverrir Gudnason & Stephen Merchant and is in Cinemas November 8, 2018! www.facebook.com/DragonTattoo

Watch the New Footage From BLADE RUNNER 2049

K’s discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD blade runner who has been missing for 30 years.   //   Starring Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, Robin Wright, Jared Leto and Dave Bautista, directed by Denis Villeneuve and IN CINEMAS OCTOBER 5, 2017! www.bladerunnermovie.com