Stephen Hawking 2 results

Retro Movie Review – The Theory of Everything

The life and times of theoretical physicist, cosmologist and million selling author Stephen Hawking is told via a screenplay based on a book by his first wife of thirty years, Jane Wilde. We are given a window into his life from his early years and get to spend time with him before the revenges of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) took over his body. While the force of the man’s will and his defiance of the medical profession’s estimate of the time of his demise is very inspiring, ...

The Theory of Everything Movie Review

The life and times of theoretical physicist, cosmologist and million selling author Stephen Hawking is told via a screenplay based on a book by his first wife of thirty years, Jane Wilde. We are given a window into his life from his early years and get to spend time with him before the revenges of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) took over his body. While the force of the man’s will and his defiance of the medical profession’s estimate of the time of his demise is very inspiring, ...