Last Christmas 2 results

Last Christmas Movie Review

Struggling to recover from a major surgery and enduring a succession of one night stands, she’s a mess. Her self-destructive and selfish streak has alienated her from almost all her friends (and their husbands) and she’s on the outs with her family as well. Hitting a new low by becoming homeless, she really does need a Christmas miracle.   //   Enter Tom (Henry Golding) a mysterious man she meets outside her place of employment. He gets her and her wise cracking ...

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Kate (Emilia Clarke) harumphs around London, a bundle of bad decisions accompanied by the jangle of bells on her shoes, another irritating consequence from her job as an elf in a year-round Christmas shop. Tom (Henry Golding) seems too good to be true when he walks into her life and starts to see through so many of Kate’s barriers. As London transforms into the most wonderful time of the year, nothing should work for these two. But sometimes, you gotta let the snow fall where it may, you ...