
IF Movie Review

During the down times of Covid, there was one shining light, John Krasinski’s Some Good News. This weekly shot of positivity was much-needed and well-appreciated. Into a similar void of happiness in the current movie world comes IF. JK’s sense of whimsy and positive energy is put to good use and makes for an entertaining and uplifting journey.

The story is a simple one, a young girl named Bea (Cailey Fleming) who is going through tough times gains the ability to see people’s imaginary friends or IFs. She discovers she shares this trait with her neighbour Cal (Ryan Reynolds) and together they try to reconnect the IFs with the people they helped but abandoned as they grew up.



It’s played mostly for fun but there are some salient moments delivered with an ease that makes them never seem preachy or heavy-handed. It occupies a space that will appeal to almost anyone who has kindness in their heart and sees the good in others more often than not. It is delivered with an ease that feels very inviting.

IF’s appeal lies in a few key elements. It’s easy going and its life-reaffirming stance is very welcome. It also features a who’s who list of actor pals who lent their voices to the animated characters. This adds a lot as it’s fun to guess who there are. When the full cast list finally rolls at the film’s end you will be surprised by the ones you got right in addition to the ones you didn’t. For those that might suggest it is too slight, can we really have too much kindness in the world?
Rob Hudson