
Eye in the Sky Competition

We have ten double in season passes to give away to Eye in the Sky – this film will have you on the edge of your seat, with a life making decision by Helen Mirren that could kill innocent people or start a propaganda war.

From a script by BAFTA winner Guy Hibbert and the director of Ender’s Game, Eye in the Sky follows Colonel Michelle Madden, a military intelligence officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture a group of dangerous terrorists from their safe-house in Nairobi, Kenya. The mission escalates from a “capture” to a “kill” operation when Madden realises the terrorists are about to embark on a deadly suicide mission. However, a nine-year-old girl enters the kill zone just as the drone pilot is poised to attack, prompting Madden to consult with the British foreign secretary.

[contact-form-7 id=”3459″ title=”Eye in the Sky Competition Form”]

Competition will be drawn 23 March 2016, winners will be notified by mail.