Air Movie Review

We live in a time that is overloaded by the cult of personality. Being famous for being famous is sad fact of life, but sometimes a person comes along that through sheer talent and will transcend their sport or field of endeavour. Basketball player Michael Jordan is one such outlier.

His alignment with the shoe company Nike and the contract he signed that gave him a percentage of each shoe with his name on it was groundbreaking and changed the industry overnight. Air provides a fascinating look at the human endeavour behind the scenes of this monumental event.



Matt Damon is Sonny Vaccaro, the Nike employee most responsible for signing Jordon to the brand. A brand at the time that was lagging in sales in the basketball shoe market. The film, through the soundtrack and bad fashion, sells the eighties era as does Damon’s dad bod and daggy dress sense.

The film is less about the game of basketball and more about marketing and the monetising of celebrity sports figures. Its take on a pivotal event in an industry that had never shared profit with its endorsees is illuminating. It is well-paced and concludes leaving you wanting more. It is recommended even if you have no interest in the sport.
Rob Hudson