day : 19/08/2019 2 results

Two Door Cinema Club 2019 Australian Tour

Described by Clash as “a game-changing record for the future of indie-rock”, False Alarm was released on June 21 and signals another chapter in the impressive re-birth of a band adored for their kinetic post-punk energy, world-weary lyricisms and recent forays into Kraftwerk-esque stylized synth-pop. Led by the unmistakably sonorous vocals of Alex Trimble and backed with vigorous ease by Sam Halliday (bass) and Kevin Baird (drums), Two Door Cinema Club have been much-loved since they ...

Palm Beach Movie Review

This is somewhat off-putting because almost every male in the movie is a jerk. It makes it difficult to connect with any of the players. This is exaggerated by the main character Frank (Bryan Brown) being rich and having a hard to relate to life of privilege. His very posh house high on a hill over looking the water actually plays a more important role than some of the women.   //   Fathers, mothers, sons and daughters gather together at the house to celebrate Frank’s ...