
Maho Magic Bar and Blanc De Blanc encore extend their seasons due to popular demand!

Brisbane’s newest entertainment precinct, Twilight Electric, has been home to the celebrated shows Blanc de Blanc Encore and Maho Magic Bar since 27 July.

After a stellar 5 weeks, the Twilight Electric team have announced the shows will carry on through to Sunday 25 September to meet the unprecedented demand.

Scott Maidment, creator of Blanc de Blanc Encore explained the success: “Brisbane loves to party during festival time and based on the response to the season thus far, we’re giving audiences one more week to do just that in our champagne-soaked Spiegeltent.”



Kirsten Siddle, creator of the Japanese magic show and bar, Maho Magic Bar, added: “Brisbanians are showing us that they are thrilled to get out and have fun again after a long, wet winter, and the Twilight Electric site is the perfect spot to enjoy some sundowners at sunset ahead of a great night of mischief and magic!”

Maho Magic Bar and Blanc De Blanc
Twilight Electric, Northshore Hamilton
Must close: Sunday 25 September