The Wild Robot Movie Review

Set in a distant future, The Wild Robot follows the existence of Roz (Lupita Nyong’o) a domestic service robot that gets stranded on a small island after an accident during transportation. The island is teaming with an overabundance of life forms, except humans. After powering up, Roz struggles to adhere to her programmed function to be of service.

Her software allows her to learn and eventually understand and communicate with the native fauna. After accidentally destroying a family’s bird nest she becomes the sole protector of Brightbill (Kit Connor) and also befriends an outcast fox named Fink (Pedro Pascal). She remains an outcast herself and this creates a bond between the three.



It speaks to the quality of the writing that these computer-generated characters are imbued with such emotional resonance that it is easy to overlook the simple sentimentality of the storyline. There is an undercurrent of pointing out the harm that humans have done to the planet which is typified by a scene showing the Golden Gate Bridge underwater with whales swimming above it.

Stunningly beautiful and emotionally powerful, The Wild Robot will pierce almost any hardened exterior and make a substantial impact. This is animation elevated into visually fine art and with classic storytelling that is simple and direct. This is one for the entire family.
Rob Hudson