
Russian Film Festival – Beanpole Movie Review

Most historical views on World War II stop with the victory, few focus on the tragedy left behind by the years of warfare. Millions of people were displaced and had to deal with losing family members, their homes and hope. Beanpole deals with two Russian women left with deep scars from the conflict.

Iya Sergueeva (Viktoria Miroshnichenko) and Masha (Vasilisa Perelygina) have returned from the front to a war revenged Leningrad. Iya or Beanpole works in a hospital and suffers from severe PTSD. Masha has entrusted Iya with her baby Pashka (Timofey Glazkov) until she returns from Berlin. Upon arrival in Leningrad she is confronted by the loss of her child.

This is the tale of how these two women deal with the after effects of having their lives completely changed and having their hopes and dreams turned into a simple battle just to survive. Very Russian in its approach, it is a very sad story told with as few words as possible. The bleak surrounds highlight their struggle. It leaves the audience to decide the terms of their redemption.



About Russian Resurrection Film Festival
The Russian Resurrection Film Festival is one of the largest, oldest and most respected Russian film festivals outside of Russia. The festival takes audiences on a thrilling journey into one of the world’s most diverse film cultures. From humble beginnings in 2004 screening in just three cities in Australia, the festival has grown dramatically in size and now screens in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Auckland in New Zealand.

PERTH – Friday 25 October – Wednesday 30 October, Event Cinemas Innaloo
SYDNEY – Thursday 7 – Sunday 10 November, Event Cinemas George Street and Burwood
BRISBANE – Tuesday 5 – Wednesday 13 November, Event Cinemas Myer Centre
GOLD COAST – Saturday 9 November – Sunday 10 November, Pacific Fair Shopping Centre
CANBERRA – Wednesday 6 November – Sunday 10 November, Capitol Cinemas Manuka
MELBOURNE – Friday 8 November – Sunday 17 November, The Capital Melbourne
ADELAIDE – Thursday 14 November – Sunday 17 November, GU House Adelaide