
Mary Queen of Scots Movie Review

For those that are outraged with the lack of historical accuracy or the artistic licences taken with this latest recounting of the tale between the two queens, get over it, it’s only a movie. As for its period-piece credentials, it might be more accurate visually than most.

There is a lack of opulence and bright colours that were probably closer to the reality of the times. This is a dark tale, set in dark surrounds, during a dark time. The sets and costumes also do an effective job of staying in this mindset.



The main women, Saoirse Ronan at her best as the luminous Mary Stuart and Margot Robbie as the severely portrayed Queen Elizabeth the First are the heroes here, while the men behind them play war mongering, cheats, liars and villains. The males in this storyline are very easy to despise.

This is a divisive film that some will love and others not but it’s one that is very much worth seeing to make up your own mind. Getting past its desire to play fast and loose with the truth is easy as its two main characters are so fascinating.

Rob Hudson