
Avatar: The Way of Water Movie Review

When a film comes along that creates this level of interest before it is even released it can become difficult to see and still keep an open mind. Considering the exaggerated attention attached to Avatar: The Way of Water it was even more of an ask. This situation makes it all the more impressive with how appealing the final product actually is.

First it must be said that it looks amazing, the combination of 3D visuals with its high frame rate make almost ever frame burn into the retinas. It is so easy to get lost in James Cameron and companies’ collective vision that even the scenes solely devoted to establishing the visual world of Pandora are consistently engaging. It’s so beautiful it almost seems a shame to introduce all the conflict.



But conflict is what sells tickets and the film’s last few reels more than make up for the exploratory nature of its second act. The craft on display during the action scenes are never less than stunning and more than match the imagination and beauty shown in the establishing scenes. The filmmakers have succeeded in creating a fascination parallel universe.

The elements of the story are simple and their connections to the sorry state of our current world are quite obvious. Avatar: The Way of Water works more as a visual feast and in that realm it is most arresting. To be unmoved by the plight of its participants would seem to come down to your ability to get lost in this most sumptuous of worlds.
Rob Hudson