
The inaugural Sunshine Coast Chilli Festival is coming to Aussie World this month!

Expect the most spectacular day at the inaugural Sunshine Coast Chilli Festival & The 33rd annual Great Australian Dunny Race.

Gather the people that help you laugh, eat, sweat, race, shop and smile for this sizzling day celebrating the spice of life.

🌶Sampling and Shopping
🌮Fresh Food Trucks
🌶Eating Comps
🎡Amusement Rides
🍺Beer Garden
🤡Kids Eating Comps
🎟Charity Food & Wine Raffles
🍹Cocktail Bar



Meet the makers while supporting small business with over 300 chilli sauces to sample and shop.

Sunshine Coast Chilli Festival
March 18, 2023 – 10-4pm
Aussie World, Palmview