
Steve Parish As One Exhibition

This world premiere exhibition of fine art will connect you with nature via a stunning visual odyssey.

After forging a long career as a publisher, naturalist, teacher and photographer, As One celebrates Steve Parish’s career with his first ever exhibition of his fine art collection. The exhibition encapsulates the diverse beauty of our land, shown via a wide range of styles and image techniques.

He has photographed new species of sea dragons while diving deep in Jervis Bay. He’s cried with wonder at the explosion of natural forces with the flooding of Lake Eyre. He’s recorded the predators and the prey – the threatened and the prolific. He’s camped and hiked and driven and wandered this great land, endlessly capturing the flora and fauna, the people and landscapes of Australia – in all its moods and in all its rich diversity.

And he’s not finished yet.

Steve understands the power of connecting to the natural world – not just to inspire our creativity – but also to calm and to heal. Steve has experienced his own dark thoughts at times and has prevailed into new creativity. And he has no doubt that his immersion in the natural world has supported his journey.

And he keeps growing and evolving both as a photographer – and as an artist.

Steve introduces his new collection of fine art – Why As One?

Steve explains:

“This is a collection that brings everything together for me. It brings the original images I took together with my new enthusiasm for enhancing the story. And once again, it connects people with the natural world around them via images that can live in their hearts as well as their minds. It’s everything I’ve ever done – all my journeys – all my emotions – all my creativity – all combined – all ‘as one’.

A percentage of proceeds from the sale of the fine art photography prints will be donated to Bush Heritage Australia and Queensland Alliance for Mental Health Inc.

Steve Parish As One Exhibition
Tuesday 08 September – Sunday 04 October, 2015
Brisbane Powerhouse