Discover the extraordinary story of the world’s most remote rock band, the Indigenous Desert Stars at Dendy Coorparoo’s and Dendy Southport’s screenings of the fascinating documentary GRAVEL ROAD followed by an in- person discussion with the film’s star and lead singer Jay Minning and Director Tristan Pemberton. Then stick around for an epic live in-cinema performance from Desert Stars and Re-Mains.
GRAVEL ROAD is the story of Jay Minning, singer-songwriter of Desert Stars. This musical four piece are traditional landowners of Spinifex Country in the Great Victoria Desert, Western Australia – home of the last nomads. From their home in remotest Tjuntjuntjara, we follow Jay and the band’s first tour as they rock their way across the Western desert with songs of hunter-gatherer life, surviving British atomic testing, and a profound connection to culture that spans back 2,000 generations.
With customary Spinifex reciprocity, Jay shares the journey with east-coast friends – the Re-mains, and provides a rare glimpse into his country, his culture, his music, and his extraordinary everyday life.
Gravel Road Q&A
Dendy Cinemas Coorparoo
2 June 2024